7 years jail time for man who stole car from the Durban Magistrate’s Court parking lot

Wayne Van Niekerk was convicted and sentenced in the Durban Regional Court this week.

Durban Magistrate’s Court

Wayne Van Niekerk was convicted and sentenced in the Durban Regional Court this week.

Durban – A 34-year-old man who stole a vehicle from the Durban Magistrate’s Court has been jailed to an effective 7 years behind bars.

Wayne Van Niekerk was convicted and sentenced in the Durban Regional Court this week.

According to the NPA the incident took place in December 2021.

Provincial spokesperson Natasha Kara said: “On the day of the incident, the complainant attended an unrelated matter at the Durban Magistrate’s Court, and he parked his car in the parking lot.

“A few hours later, he was standing on the balcony of the building when he looked down into the parking lot and saw Van Niekerk open his car door and get in. He then saw him drive towards the exit.

“The complainant started screaming for help and his screams alerted two police officers who were in the parking lot. They acted immediately, stopping Van Niekerk just before could reach the main gates.

“A modified Allen key was found in the ignition.”

In his testimony Van Niekerk told that the court that someone known to the complainant had promised to pay him R3000 to steal the vehicle, and abandon it in the Inanda area.

“This person also provided him with the Allen key that was found in his possession. However during cross-examination, he changed his version several times.”

In aggravation of sentence, State Prosecutor Vishalen Moodley told the court that, Van Niekerk’s actions were pre-planned and well thought-out.

“He had committed the offence on the doorstep of the Durban Magistrate’s Court, a place where the law is supposed to be upheld and enforced, thus demonstrating his lack of regard for the rule of law and law enforcement.”