Pro-poor defender turns against Weah

A former youth leader of Doe Community, Clara Town in Monrovia says President George Weah has failed miserably in managing the affairs of Liberia in the past five years, so he should be shown the exit door in October. Michael Tipayson, a former Youth Chairman of the Doe Community and Pro-poor defender notes that the ruling Coalition government headed by…

By: Naneka Hoffman

A former youth leader of Doe Community, Clara Town in Monrovia says President George Weah has failed miserably in managing the affairs of Liberia in the past five years, so he should be shown the exit door in October.

Michael Tipayson, a former Youth Chairman of the Doe Community and Pro-poor defender notes that the ruling Coalition government headed by President Weah has performed poorly.

Speaking on Tuesday, June 7, from the United States via Skype Mr. Tipayson argued that President Weah should have used his first term to prove that he can perform the mandate given him by the Liberian people.

He calls on President Weah to change his style of administering the country by consulting the masses on steps aimed at improving governance in the country.

He explains that God has blessed Liberia to become a better county but having gone abroad and seen how a country should be structured, ways governance should work for the people and how system should operate, he is disappointed.

The one-time Pro-poor defender says having been to Liberia five good times since 2018, what is obtaining on the ground is totally different from what Ambassador Weah was elected as President.

Tipayson quotes South Africa’s ANC former youth chair Julius Maleba as saying ‘The only way the leader can be considered a people-center [person] is when the leader has reason to fear a judgment of his people.’

He says Mr. Weah, a popular President, came to power in 2018 and promise in his inaugural speech delivered at the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex in Paynesville to reduce his salary and benefits by 25 percent, but Liberians should ask themselves since the President made that statement if there have been any publication, reference documentation or whatever, to prove that it was carried out, noting that was an integrity test which Mr. Weah failed.

He says for the head of a nation to make such an open statement that borders on integrity and then turn to do something far different, he needs to be brought to check.

“I didn’t support the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf regime but there was one thing we all could see: the Unity Party-led government under Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf strengthened integrity institutions which observably attracted more investment to Liberia”, he recalls.

However, he observes after the Sirleaf administration, these institutions under President Weah have gone flat to the ground.

“Whenever international partners and investors don’t trust your systems because they see that you play with integrity institutions, there will be least investment going to the country that which Liberian has seen”, he adds.

Tipayson says it is a known fact that most of the people who supported Ambassador Weah were young people, but wonders how many programs can the CDC government list to empower young people, pointing that former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf had the Positive Youth Development (PYD) program that was established to empower young people and to ensure that they are skilled to get ready for national leadership and even community discipleship services.

He notes that under the Eah administration, the system is far different, as corruption has taken over and that the emotionally-focus mindset that Liberians had that yes indeed when they make Ambassador Weah President, things could have changed and jobs could have been created, are not happening.

He says President Weah came under the platform of Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development, promising to create 1000 jobs every year, which has not happened.

According to him, President Weah’s Pr0-poorAagenda is a complete contradiction to his lifestyle of flying private jet when his people can’t afford them, jobs not being created and primary schools are broken down with everything in shamble, wondering why should Liberians continue with this President who continues to make the country a laughing stuff. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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