Chinese VP meets delegation of El Salvador's New Ideas Party

BEIJING, April 10 (Xinhua) — Chinese Vice President Han Zheng met with a delegation of senior officials from the New Ideas Party of El Salvador, led by the leader of the party and Vice President-elect Felix Ulloa, in Beijing on Wednesday.
Han said that since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and El Salvador more than five years ago, bilateral relations have developed rapidly in an all-round way.
The Chinese side is willing to work with the El Salvador side to implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state, consolidate mutual trust, deepen cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative, increase people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and enhance communication and coordination on international and regional affairs, he said.
The Communist Party of China (CPC) is willing to build a new type of political party relations with the New Ideas Party of El Salvador and push for steady and long-term bilateral relations, Han said.
Ulloa thanked China for its support and assistance since the two countries established diplomatic ties, saying that bilateral cooperation and exchanges are progressing smoothly and the friendship between the two peoples is constantly deepening.
He said that El Salvador adheres to the one-China principle, and the New Ideas Party is willing to learn from the experience of the CPC in governance and explore a development path suited to the country’s national conditions. Enditem